Monday, 22 August 2011

Yeah so I'm in the process of moving the blog to another blog, as I'm getting fed up of blogspots anti photographer layout. Some of the photos are gone, they were accidentally deleted. They'll be back up when I get the new one sorted in a couple of days!

Friday, 19 August 2011

Here's an image from a recent shoot I did for last week! Can't wait to see the printed brochure.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Some new stuff

Well, not really new. Just not-seen-before stuff. The first images are of some blind school children in Coventry. The series was shot on 5x4 negative and unfortunately got ruined in the developer, although it does make for interesting images; the ones that are salvageable at least. Some other images from the Blind Ambition shoots below.

Cheers x

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Exhibition Review!

Right so it's time for a long overdue post regarding the exhibition we put on in May. It went better than I think any of us expected it to, it was pretty much rammed full for the whole duration of the opening night. All £900+ of drink was consumed, no doubt helping to cure the anxiousness we all felt as it opened. The party atmosphere and the excellent work on show ensured everyone had a good time. I'd like to thank everyone who attended, especially the guys who I invited and I hope you all enjoyed it. It was good seeing you.

Since then I've turned 23, graduated with a first class honours degree and moved back to Bristol, hence the delay in getting this blog post up. I'm actively seeking any photography / retouching / assisting jobs at the moment, so if anyone has anything or knows anyone then send me a message please! My ambition is to shoot some editorial portraiture work, as well as trying to assist some working editorial / advertising photographers. I'm also looking to see if any magazines or newspapers are interested in publishing my Blind Ambition project. I have another project which is still in ideas stage as well which I'm going to start soon.

Below are a few photos of my exhibition. I was very pleased with how it all came together, and I think it worked better than I anticipated!

A couple of shout outs to people that helped me get this together - all of these places come highly recommended and I'll be using them in the future.

Exhibition prints were done by
Portfolio prints from - ridiculous service and prices. Highly recommended.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

First post, new project

Alright, so this is my first post on my new blog. It's designed to track my progress on whatever projects I'm doing at the time, and will hopefully grow to include other stuff. I thought that I'd start it by revealing my biggest project to date, which is titled 'Blind Ambition'.

‘Blind Ambition’ is an exploration of the world of visually impaired and blind sports. The idea for this project came when I was looking to combine two of my favourite subjects - sport and photography. But rather than focusing on mainstream athletics, I wanted to show another side of sport, a side that has mostly gone unnoticed. When starting this project I didn’t know what to expect of the people I was going to meet, but what I discovered was a society of people genuinely passionate about what they are doing, and determined to not let their handicap affect them. Whether doing these sports as amateurs for fun, or training for competitions, each person showed the same qualities - enthusiasm, passion for their activity and a huge sense of camaraderie amongst the blind and VI sport community. By focusing on sports that would normally be considered as requiring sight to perform, I’ve tried to highlight the drive and conviction that these people have to not let their afflictions affect how they live and enjoy themselves.

I'd like to thank everyone who's helped me with this project - whether you let me shoot you, helped hold a light, spoke to me on the phone or via email, everyone was an important part of a network that allowed this work to be created.

There are more images, however I've not had the time to do anything with any images that aren't the final choices yet. More will follow though.

Finally, this work is being exhibited at our London exhibition. The opening VIP night is Tuesday the 24th of May, which you're all welcome to attend. It's also open Wednesday and Thursday. It's in a building called The Rag Factory, in Shoreditch. The poster for it is here

I hope to see some of you there, and hope you like the project.
